Since late 2012, the Coachella Valley Independent has been the Coachella Valley’s independent source for quality local reporting, compelling commentary and in-depth coverage of music and the arts.

You can find our award-winning journalism in our monthly print edition, distributed at more than 300 locations, from Desert Hot Springs and the high desert, all the way through the Coachella Valley, and down to the Salton Sea. Of course, we’re online here each and every day at, updated regularly with breaking news, columns, music and arts features—and more. Every Monday and Thursday, our Indy Digest newsletter goes to about 6,200 inquisitive readers.

We believe in making all of our content free and available to all, in print and in pixels. However, our small but tenacious publication is supported by members of our innovative program that delivers exclusive benefits to Supporters of the Independent.

We need your help to keep honest, ethical, independent local journalism viable here, so please join us by contributing as little as $9 per month. Every dollar goes toward keeping the lights on and funding our reporters, columnists and designers—all of whom are paid, by the way.

On behalf of everyone here at the Independent, thank you for your support. We welcome your feedback, and we’ll strive every day to be worthy of your trust.  

Note that since the Independent is not a nonprofit entity, contributions are NOT tax-deductible. However, we here at the Independent really, really appreciate them!


Your contribution is appreciated.

Independent by the Numbers

(As of Sept. 1, 2023)

122: The number of print editions published (since April 2013: 108 monthlies, and two quarterlies).

5: The number of national journalism awards won by the Independent. (The 2015 Association of Alternative Newsmedia Award for arts feature, third place; the 2017 Association of Alternative Newsmedia Award for column writing, first place; the 2018 Association of Alternative Newsmedia Award for beat reporting, third place; the 2019 Association of Alternative Newsmedia Award for column writing, honorable mention; the 2022 Association of Alternative Newsmedia Award for column writing, second place).

7: The number of awards the Independent won in the 2020 California Journalism Awards—including second place for general excellence in our print category. It was the first year we ever entered the contest.

11. The number of awards the Independent won in the 2021 California Journalism Awards—including second place for general excellence in both our print and digital categories!

3: The number of employees the Independent has. (Yeah, we do a lot with a little.)

20: The number of regular-ish contributors the Independent has. (And they’re amazing.)